Monahans Sandhills State Park

Things to Do
Activities include camping ; hiking; picnicking; horseback riding; bird and wildlife watching from the interpretive center windows, which overlook watering stations; and sand surfing.
This park has an 800-acre equestrian area with no marked trails. A trailer parking area is provided and has a fenced corral where riders can tie and water their horses. Potable water is available in the area. The general terrain is heavy sand, with brush and a few mesquite trees. Visitors must provide their own horses.
Equipment Rentals
Sand toboggans and disks, for "surfing" on the sand dunes, can be rented at park headquarters.
Ranger Programs
The Dunagan Visitor Center features hands-on exhibits of the cultural and natural history of the Sandhills, including Dune Dynamics, Permian Basin Heritage and Wildlife Habitat. Scenic windows offer spectacular viewing of birds and other wildlife as they come to food and water. Park orientation is available.
Check the calendar for upcoming events and programs.
Ask about the Junior Ranger Explorer Packs available for free checkout at the park! Area Attractions
Points of interest nearby include Balmorhea State Park ; Big Spring State Park ; Million Barrel Museum in Monahans; the Odessa Meteor Crater , a national, natural landmark; and the cities of Midland and Odessa.