1080 Engine

The locomotive was given to the city by Fred B. Gurley, president of the Santa Fe System, during a Santa Fe Appreciation Day sponsored by the Brownwood Chamber of Commerce March 29, 1954.
Santa Fe moved the locomotive to Riverside Park permanent location the afternoon of July 29, 1954 on Santa Fe tracks prior to the tracks being taken out. The city had constructed a special site for the steam engine, near the lower entrance to the park. A wire fence was built around the engine and a floodlight was placed on each side. Dean Wyatt drove the 1080 on the Frisco line to Riverside Park.
The 1080 was named The Fred Gurley locomotive and that name was painted on the side of the tender. Forty-five years later, when the locomotive was repainted and moved to the front of the Santa Fe Depot and Harvey House by the Texas Department of Highways, on March 30, 1999, the name was removed.