
Odessa, Texas lies in the heart of the Permian Basin, an ancient ocean basin formed during the Permian Period. The basin is approximately 250 miles wide and 300 miles long, and at one time, was filled with marine life and plants. As the ocean dried up, the decaying plants and animals eventually helped form the gigantic pools of oil and gas that are still being taken from the basin today.

Odessa's history of a settlement can be traced to 1881 with the promise of a vital cattle industry, however in 1926 the discovery of oil brought people of varied interests and occupations to the area and the local economy began to change from a ranching base into an industrial base.

The World Famous Odessa Chuck Wagon Gang is located in the same building as the Odessa Convention and Visitors Bureau. The Chuck Wagon Gang was established in 1940 by some members of the Odessa Chamber of Commerce. Their purpose is to travel the world serving delicious meals and proudly representing Odessa, Texas.



Odessa, Texas


Odessa Logo

700 N. Grant Ste. 200
Odessa, Texas 79761

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