Stockyards Station

Located in the heart of the Fort Worth Stockyards, Stockyards Station exemplifies Texas by providing an exciting blend of old and new with Historic Walking Tours that visit the Texas Trail of Fame, The Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame and more, over 25 unique shops including an art gallery, sports store and great restaurants that offer anything from ribs to enchiladas.
The history of Fort Worth & the Stockyards is a colorful composite of cowboys, cattle drives, railroads, packing houses, western music, clothes, art and architecture.
With the help of cowboys, railroaders, wildcatters and entrepreneurs Fort Worth has evolved from the wild frontier of 150 years ago. While today's central business district is filled with a blend of historic structures and glass high-rises, the Fort Worth Stockyards is much the same as it was in the days of the Old West.
1849 Fort Worth was established on a bluff overlooking the West and Clear Forks of the Trinity River by Major Ripley Arnold. Fort Worth was the last major civilized stop on the Chisholm Trail and by the 1860's was referred to as "Cowtown".
1876 With the arrival of the Texas & Pacific Railroad, Fort Worth became a major shipping point for livestock
1900 The railroads chugged into the Stockyards, making it the hub of an entire industry and a way of life. More than 160,000,000 head of livestock have since been sold in the Fort Worth Stockyards.
The Fort Worth Stockyards was once the biggest, busiest, hog and sheep marketing center in the Southwest, where more than 83 million hog and sheep were sold.
Today, without destroying the architectural integrity of the original structure, The Fort Worth Stockyards offer visitors an exciting opportunity to experience the Old West in an authentic but modern setting.