Choke Canyon State Park

Things to Do
Choke Canyon State Park, consisting of two units, South Shore and Calliham, is located on 26,000-acre Choke Canyon Reservoir, a water supply for Corpus Christi.
The South Shore Unit is a day-use only park (6 a.m.-10 p.m.) and offers boating, fishing, picnicking, wildlife viewing and birding. The Calliham Unit offers camping , picnicking, boating, hiking, wildlife viewing, birding, fishing, lake beach and softball and volleyball areas. Seasonal guided bird walks are conducted on scheduled days.
In addition to campsites , the park has Shelters with Air-conditioning , and several group facilities , including a Sports Complex Area, that has a Dining Hall with a Kitchen, a large indoor gymnasium with hardwood floors and bleachers, a stage, a projection screen, and a public address sound system, and outside there is a basketball court and tennis court.
Detailed fishing and lake information for Choke Canyon Reservoir
Swimming Safety Tips
Alligators live in the park; read our a l ligator safety tips . Ranger Programs
The park offers a variety of educational opportunities. Check the calendar for upcoming events or contact the park for special tours.
Area Attractions
Nearby points of interest include Lake Corpus Christi State Park , 45 miles southeast near Mathis; Goliad State Park & Mission Esp?ritu Santo State Historic Site , 64 miles east in Goliad; and Fannin Battleground .
For more information on this area, go to the Three Rivers Chamber of Commerce website.