San Angelo State Park

Things to Do
Activities include camping, swimming, picnicking, hiking, mountain biking, and horseback riding?on multiuse trails (contact the park about possible trail closures following wet weather). Fishing is available in Javelina Pond, which is regularly stocked with fish. There is a three-level orienteering course, and a bird and wildlife observation area. The park has a hunting program with a State Park Annual Hunting Permit and special drawing hunts for deer and spring turkey. The presence of American Indian rock art, ancient animal tracks, and majestic bison add a prehistoric touch to this park. San Angelo State Park is also home to the Official Texas State Longhorn Herd .
In addition to campsites for backpackers, tent campers, and recreational vehicles, the park also has a cabin and multiple group facilities .
Swimming at your own risk is allowed in O.C. Fisher Lake . Lake Nasworthy and Twin Buttes Reservoir offer swimming and fishing and are approximately a 10-minute drive from the park.
Detailed fishing?and lake information for O.C. Fisher Reservoir Equestrian
The park has 50 miles of developed multiuse and divided trails for hiking, mountain biking, and equestrian use. Visitors must provide their own horses. Equestrian camping is allowed in the North Concho Equestrian camp area. Pens and pole tethers are provided at the water/electric sites, and pole tethers only are provided at the primitive sites.?Campers may bring portable pens. Water is located in the camp area as well as other locales throughout the park's trail system. Visitors must remove waste (pen and tether areas) when leaving.?Equestrian events are held at the park at various times throughout the year.
Equipment Rentals
This park participates in the Angler Education ? Tackle Loaner Program ?; individuals can borrow rods, reels and tackle boxes with hooks, sinkers and bobbers.
Ranger Programs
Regularly scheduled tours and upon-request tours, for 10 or more visitors, take park visitors to ancient Permian animal tracks and Indian petroglyphs. Contact the park for a tour schedule and fees or check the calendar of events . Other tours include nature tours, hikes, bison/longhorn tours, equestrian tours, historic and prehistoric tours, and stargazing parties.
Ask about the Junior Ranger Explorer Packs available for free checkout at the park!
Nearby attractions include Fort Concho, a restored historic fort; Concho Avenue, which has a historic shopping district; the Riverwalk; and the Cactus Hotel. Lake Nasworthy and Twin Buttes Reservoir offer swimming and fishing and are approximately a 10-minute drive from the park.