
Are you looking for a special gift - something to say I missed you while I was away or I saw this and thought of you? Maybe you're looking for a place to pass a pleasant afternoon have some coffee or browse through antiques.

You can find all this and more in the delightful Halsell Street shops located in Historic Downtown Bridgeport. Bridgeport is a comforting blend of old and new where the past is cherished, the present celebrated and the future eagerly anticipated. This philosophy is evident in the diversity found in its shopping district, where a wide variety of merchants have chosen to call Halsell Street home.

If you're new to Bridgeport or just passing through, we invite you to discover the treasures awaiting you in Historic Downtown Bridgeport. And if you're an old friend who just hasn't been here in a while, come get reacquainted - you'll be glad you did.


Ozona, Texas

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