Bandera General Store

Wonder Around The Bandera General Store
The Bandera General Store building is over 100 years old. The original wood floors and tin ceiling have seen some interesting times to be sure. Before it was the store he site of the Old Cox Dance Hall, later it was the first movie theatre, then a saddle shop and western wear store. The store claims to have it's own "Ghost", that goes by the name of Henry!
Wondering through the broad selection of toys, interesting antiques, old-fashioned candies, western wear and many other items too numerous to mention will conjure up the days of another era. They also carry a line of Texas Wild Brand salsas and Jams that are made in the hill well as Limited Edition Flavored fruit butters Texican brand products sauce and salsas made in Bandera. You can even try on a pair of new boots.
Beneath the Bandera General Store you'll find the Silver Dollar Saloon and Dance Hall. Arkey Blue, a well known singer songwriter, bought the Dance Hall in 1968 and continues the tradition of western music at the Silver Dollar.