

MARYSVILLE, TEXAS . Marysville is on South Fish Creek fifteen miles northwest of Gainesville in Cooke County. It had a post office from 1873 until the mid-1940s. It was named either in honor of Mary (Fitch) Corn, an early settler who moved to the area with her husband, Richard, in 1867, or after Marysville, California, hometown of Mrs. Corn's brother, R. A. Fitch, who moved to this area of Cooke County in 1869. To encourage the establishment of businesses, Richard Corn gave a building lot with each residence lot sold. By 1900 Marysville had 250 residents, a drugstore, a livery stable, a district school, and two each of mercantile stores, cotton gins, blacksmith shops, grocery stores, and churches. The town's population level held steady at 160 residents from 1925 to 1942, when Camp Howze was built in northwestern Cooke County; the camp removed roughly three-fourths of the area to the north, east, and south of Marysville from the control of the community. With the loss of this many small family farms, Marysville declined. By the late 1980s it had seventy residents and a church and reported no businesses. The best-known resident of Marysville was Daniel Montague , for whom Montague County is named; he is buried in the Marysville Cemetery. By 2000 the population was listed as fifteen.

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