

QUINCY, TEXAS . Quincy was on State Highway 202 on a ranch seven miles east of Beeville in Bee County. The John Quincy Ranch, formerly owned by Augustin and Juan Moya, was purchased in 1891 by David Swickheimer , and the area was subsequently developed. The Enterprise Land and Colonization Company sold acreage to families from other states, particularly Kansas. Soon after the Swickheimer purchase, the community had a post office and several businesses. A school in Quincy had one teacher and thirteen pupils in 189899. Interest in the settlement soon declined, however, and the development was sold to the Bee County Irrigation Syndicate, a San Antonio-based enterprise that re-subdivided the area and tried to attract settlers. Several small businesses were established, but fell into disuse; later they burned down. The 10,500-acre ranch on which Quincy was established was later owned by John J. O'Brien and his son John Morgan O'Brien. In the early 1970s the old townsite was still referred to as "Little Quincy."

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Quincy, Texas

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