- Lake Athens -

Beginning July 1, boaters must drain all water from their boat and on-board receptacles before leaving or approaching a body of fresh water anywhere in Texas. To read the latest press release about the new statewide boat-draining rule, please click here.
Approximately 5 miles east of Athens, 1,799-acre Lake Athens offers a variety of water sport activities for outdoor enthusiasts.
Impounded in 1962, the lake is known for Largemouth bass in the 3- to 8-pound range, but has produced a lake record of 13.81 pounds. Sunfish provide excellent opportunities for fly fishing anglers and catches up to 10 inches in length are not unusual. Crappie are few in number but are usually of good size. White bass commonly reach 16-18 inches. Most species are currently managed under statewide regulations. The exception is largemouth bass. For this fish, length limit is a 14-21 slot. Bass 14 inches and less or 21 inches or greater in length may be retained. Only one bass 21 inches or greater may be retained each day.
Emergent vegetation is abundant in the upper end of the reservoir above the 2495 bridge. Some inundated timber is still standing at mid-lake. The dam offers riprap along the face and submerged structure is available surrounding Goat Island.
Spring is the best time of year for largemouth bass. Fish follow typical east Texas patterns. Sunfish become more active as the water warms and can be found around stands of native vegetation. Fly fishing is particularly good from a float tube or floating platform. Crappie and white bass are most active from February through May.
The Lake Athens Marina is located at 5401 Marina Drive, just off of FM 2495, after crossing the bridge over Lake Athens.
Although they are not rented by the marina, jet skis, canoes, kayaks, and other water sport paraphernalia are welcomed on Lake Athens.