Midway Mall

The Midway Mall, located at 4800 Texoma Parkway in Sherman, Texas, is the only major shopping mall for a section of Texoma comprised of the cities Sherman and Denison,Texas, and Durant,Oklahoma. It is also the only enclosed Mall between Dallas & Oklahoma. With a population of about 150,000, Midway Mall's trade area is located approximately 70 miles northeast of downtown Dallas; however, the mall itself as well as the Texas side of its trade area are technically located within the behemoth Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area. With that said, the nearest of Dallas-Fort Worth's malls are over an hour away, which makes Midway Mall a tier A' mall and successful, especially considering its size at 600,000 square feet with three anchors and several junior anchors. The Malls telephone number is 903-892-1188.The leasing department number is 903-345-5422 email. davidpinter@midwaymalltexas.com


Sherman, Texas