

Branchville is on Farm Road 485 thirteen miles east of Cameron in eastern Milam County. The town may have received its name when W. B. Easterwood, a store owner in Port Sullivan, opened a branch store in the area. Branchville was the name given to the community's post office when it opened in 1878. The population grew from twenty in 1884 to eighty-five in 1896, at which time the community had a Baptist church, a district school, and two general stores. In 1903 Branchville had a one-teacher school for thirty white students and two one-teacher schools for 133 black students. The post office closed in 1908, but in the 1940s the community had two schools, four churches, several businesses, and 100 residents. Its schools were consolidated with the Cameron Independent School District by the early 1970s. Branchville had 200 residents in 1990. The population remained the same in 2000.


Branchville, Texas

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