

Frog is on Farm Road 316 just south of U.S. Highway 80, a mile east of Elmo, and seven miles east of Terrell in Kaufman County. It was founded by African Americans in the late nineteenth century. Some of the early residents worked on the railroad. Early families in the area included the Stephenses and the Starlings. In the late 1930s and early 1940s the community had a store and a school, as well as Baptist and Pentecostal churches. At that time there were thirty-six houses in Frog, twenty-eight of which belonged to people who were related to one another. By 1990 newcomers had moved into Frog and the surrounding area. The Baptist church had moved to Terrell, but the Pentecostal church, which was organized in 1919 or 1920, continued to hold services. Some residents still farmed. According to one version, Frog was named after a person.


Frog, Texas

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