Oak Forest
Oak Forest is on Farm Road 90A in west central Gonzales County. A post office opened there in 1877 and closed in 1925. An early dam supplied power for a gin and in the twentieth century generated energy for the Central Power and Light system. In 1892 the town's population of 100 had semiweekly mail delivery and was served by a general store, a wagonmaker, a blacksmith, a gin, and a hotel. By 1896 Oak Forest reported 200 residents, including a physician and a music teacher, and a community telephone was located in J. J. Bradbury's general store. Oak Forest enjoyed daily mail delivery by 1914. Thereafter its population declined sharply. In 1936 the town had a population of seventy-five and three businesses. By 1965 it reported no businesses and a population of twenty-five; its population was recorded as twenty-five through 2000.