Posey, also known as Reuben, a rural community in north central Hopkins County ten miles northwest of Sulphur Springs on Farm Road 71, was first settled by Aden Posey around 1846. After the Civil War a small community grew up around a gristmill operated by a man named Jones. A two-room public school was in operation around the turn of the century. A post office was established in 1902 under the name Reuben but was renamed Posey four months later in honor of Aden Posey. The post office was discontinued in 1906, and the mail was sent to Peerless. At its height between 1910 and 1920 Posey had a gin, a school, two stores, a blacksmith shop, and a Baptist church. The gin burned in 1925 and was not rebuilt. In the mid-1930s the community had the church, the school, two stores, and a number of scattered houses. The population in 1940 was twenty. The school was consolidated in the early 1940s with North Hopkins school. In the early 1960s Posey still had a church, a cemetery, and a few houses. In the late 1980s it was a dispersed rural community.