

L. Theodore (Theo) Bellmont, athletic director and professor at the University of Texas, son of Leo and Mary (Lutz) Bellmont, was horn in Rochester, New York, on September 24, 1881. He attended schools in Rochester and then the University of Tennessee, from which he received an LL.B. degree in 1908. While there, he was active in athletics, college politics, and fraternal organizations. From 1908 until 1913 he was secretary of the YMCA in Houston. In 1913 he was employed by the University of Texas as director of athletics, a post that included the supervision of intercollegiate athletics, physical training, and intramural sports. He later became professor and director of physical training for men. During his career at UT he pulled the athletic program out of debt and in three years had it showing a profit; helped organize the Southwest Conference in 191415; started the annual football series at the State Fair of Texas , now the Texas-Oklahoma game; inaugurated the blanket tax for student admission to UT athletic contests; was cofounder of the Texas Relays; organized an intramural sports program; organized the T Association to honor UT athletes; and was a major force in raising the money with which to build Memorial Stadium.


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