
Timbercreek Canyon

Timbercreek Canyon is in the upper Palo Duro Canyon northeast of Canyon in Randall County. The site was originally on the McAfee ranch. In 1971 the McAfees and W. C. Roberts planned development of the area with 501 lots. Before its incorporation, Timbercreek Canyon was under the extraterritorial jurisdiction of Amarillo. The community operated under a voluntary dues system to maintain roads and gates. Since this system did not bring enough money for the purpose, residents voted to incorporate in the summer of 1983. By that time Timbercreek Canyon had seventy-five homes, with at least six more under construction, and a population of 209. It included another development called Colony Catharine on the west. The community is a highly restricted area with security gates and deed restrictions. In 1985 it had a mayor, five aldermen, a marshall, and a volunteer fire department. Its mail came through Canyon. In 1988 the population of Timbercreek Canyon was 190. In 1990 it was 277. The population grew to 406 in 2000.


Timbercreek Canyon, Texas

Dallas, Texas

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