

Wrightsboro is located on Farm Road 108 twelve miles southwest of Gonzales in southwestern Gonzales County. It was settled about 1851 and named for L.C. Wright, an early settler from Alabama. The town was granted a post office under the name Wrightsborough in 1869, and the name was shortened to Wrightsboro sometime in the 1870s. A Baptist church was organized in 1871, and a general store opened in 1875. By 1884 the town had an estimated population of seventy, two churches, steam saw and grist mills, and a cotton gin. By 1889 Wrightsboro had a hotel and a Masonic hall. Starting in the 1870s, school was taught at a number of sites around the community, until, in the early 1900s, a school building was constructed in Wrightsboro proper. By the 1920s Wrightsboro had an estimated population of 100, and in 1940 it had five businesses concentrated in a business block, a church, and a school. The school consolidated with Gonzales in 1947, and the population of Wrightsboro slowly declined to some seventy-six inhabitants by the mid-1960s. In 1990 Wrightsboro still had an estimated population of seventy-six, a church, a cemetery, and a number of scattered dwellings. The population remained at seventy-six in 2000.


Wrightsboro, Texas

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