Lost Creek Reservoir State Trailway

Located at Fort Richardson and Jacksboro, this approximately 10-mile hike, bike and equestrian trail runs adjacent to Fort Richardson and along Lost Creek, which is the main watershed for the two city lakes. The trail follows scenic Lost Creek and travels the east side of Lake Jacksboro and Lost Creek Reservoir. The trail crosses the dam at Lost Creek Reservoir and winds along the west side until you enter the trail head. This is a linear trail system that winds with the terrain and abounds in scenic beauty. It travels through the park with many shaded areas of pecan and oak trees. Most of the trail travels by the creek or lakes which provide numerous opportunities to fish and swim. This is a beautiful trail, abundant also in wildlife and wild flowers. There is a trail head at Fort Richardson State Park &Historic Site and a trail head on Lost Creek Reservoir.


Jacksboro, Texas